The season of classic Christmas cartoons and movies playing non-stop on TV is upon us. We got to talking about our favorites and visions of cocktails started dancing in our heads. We did a little research and we present you cocktails inspired by all your favorites!
Let’s start with the Basics and the oldest in our lineup, The Grinch Who Stole Christmas
The Cindy Lou Who cocktail
Gather up the following:
Peppermint Schnapps
Sparkling water
You can see how to put it all together on the CinemaAndSpice channel!
For the Ralphie Fans
We understand this cocktail was created in Cleveland, where the movie was shot. It’s simply called A Christmas Story.
The triple dog dare ya ingredients are:
Old Forester
Orange tea
Holiday spice syrup
Cranberry Juice
To learn how to make it, head on over to the channel.
*Warning, controversy and PG-rated language ahead*
Nakatomi Tower Bomb
This debate has been raging since, well, 1988 and will probably rage on for the foreseeable future. Whether you’re team Obviously a Christmas movie or NO, It’s not about Christmas you’ll like this drink, and be entertained watching it be made. BTW, if the screenwriter has anything to say about it, it IS a Christmas movie.
Here are the Yippee Ki-Yay ingredients:
Cranberry Juice
Saki (obviously)
Blush Champagne
Peach Schnapps
Learn how to make it on the Secret to Booze channel.